Capital Improvement Projects

Welcome to the City's Capital Improvements Projects page!


Click on the project name below for more information and documents on each project.


If you have questions or comments on a project, please reach out to Tami Jansma, City Engineer


City Hall: (605) 582-6515 ext. 4

Cell: (605) 679-0129

Master Transportation Plan (MTP)

The Brandon Master Transportation Plan (MTP) will analyze current transportation conditions, forecast future travel and needs, and provide recommendations to shape the future of transportation in Brandon. 

Engineer: HDR, Inc.

Study: $150,000.00 - MPO funds will pay 80%

ADA Transition Plan

As part of the American with Disabilities Act (ADA), Federal Highway requires municipalities with more than 50 employees to have an ADA Transition Plan. An inventory of existing curb ramps and ADA standards are currently being reviewed and information is being compiled using GIS.  An update of the City's sidewalk design standards is being reviewed and will be in front of city council for review in 2023.

Annual Slurry Seal Project

The City partners with the City of Sioux Falls and surrounding communities on the annual slurry seal project.  In 2023, the areas that will receive the slurry seal will include The Bluffs, Eagle Creek Addition, Sylvan Circle Area, Sioux Heights Addition, and Aspen Blvd. 

Construction Cost: $290,694.89.

Curb Repair and Asphalt Patching Project

In 2023, the areas that will receive asphalt repairs and concrete curb and sidewalk repairs will include: Sylvan Circle Area, Aspen Boulevard, Tallgrass, Brandon Industrial Park, and Corson Industrial Park. 

Construction Cost: $717,958.90.

Contractor: Big Al's Concrete 

Big Sioux Drainage Structure Repair

There is a storm sewer pipe that starts at the intersection of W. Ponderosa Drive and S. Parkview Blvd. that extends to the Big Sioux River.  This pipe is approximately 540' long and is no longer working at it's full capacity as a video log shows the pipe has a maintenance structure near the Big Sioux River.  This maintenance structure has severe erosion around it and is currently cutting into the State's hiking trail.  Design is planned for 2021 with construction in 2022.

Engineer: IDG Engineering

Water Tower

One 1.25 million-gallon composite water tower was bid on November 20th, 2020.  This project includes a 16" water transmission line that will be installed and extended from existing high-pressure water lines to service the tower, including valves, hydrants and connections to existing mains.  The water tower will be located on the East side of town North of the intersection of Redwood Blvd and Chestnut Blvd.  The project also includes installing a valve and building at the North edge of the Golf Course parking lot.

Contractor: AB Contracting

Original Contract Amount: $5,476,468.70

Exit 406 - South Dakota Department of Transportation (SDDOT)

A Diverging Diamond Interchange including traffic signals is programed for construction to start in 2023.  Most likely, this will be a 2-3 year construction project.  This project includes replacing the railroad bridge along I90 to the West as well as drainage upgrades to Splitrock Blvd.  A centerline median is proposed from the interchange to Ash Street as well as the removal/relocation of many access locations between the interchange and Redwood Blvd.

Engineering Design: South Dakota Department of Transportation (SDDOT)

Contractor: TBD

Construction Cost: Estimated at $31,100,000.00 - All State and Federal Funds

SDDOT Bridge Improvement Grant (BIG) - McHardy Bridge

McHardy bridge is located over Split Rock Creek on McHardy Road near McHardy Park. This 182’ three span continuous composite steel girder bridge was built in 1986. This bridge is inspected every two years. In 2018, the deck had approximately 11.6% concrete delamination and is up to 13.2% concrete delamination at the time of inspection in 2020.

Engineer: IMEG

Construction Costs: $297,993.00

Contractor: Journey Group Companies dba SFC Civil Constructors

Sewer Force Main to Sioux Falls Analysis

City Staff met with HDR about the sewer force main that pumps sewer to Sioux Falls.  A new line will need to be constructed in the next 5 years.  After installing a new line, some rehab work will need to be done to the existing line in order to keep it functioning.

Engineer: HDR Engineering

Cost: TBD

Ironwood Street & Aspen Park

Extending Ironwood Street would open new development as well as provide a second entrance into Aspen Park.  This area has been surveyed, initial project details such as utilities, street, and sidewalk have been discussed, and project cost estimates have been developed.

Engineer: DGR Engineering

Preliminary Engineering: $18,776.00

Core Area Asphalt Overlay Project

Completed in 2022!

This overlay is a temporary fix, not a permanent fix. Please note that the existing asphalt will only be milled down near intersections. This means that asphalt will be overlayed on the exiting gutter line which will make the curb seem short.  Asphalt will also be tapered into driveway approaches which may cause a slight bump.

Bicycle & Pedestrian Plan

A request for proposals was advertised on January 4th, 2021.  This study reviewed our current sidewalks and shared use paths.  The study made recommendations on where these paths are needed and helped prioritize when these paths should be constructed.  MPO funds will pay for 80% of this study.

Engineer: Ulteig 

Study: $100,00.00 - MPO funds will pay 80%

Holly Boulevard & Aspen Boulevard Joint Repair

This project involves repairing concrete joints, replacing join sealant, and restriping Holly Blvd starting at Splitrock Blvd and extending to Sioux Blvd.  A small portion of E. Aspen Blvd will also be part of this project.

Estimated Cost: $350,000.00

Developer Fees

The City will be starting the process of reviewing and updating the current development fees.  Some of our existing fees include cost recovery fees, impact fees, and park fees.  These fees need to be updated on a regular basis.