News and Announcements

Snow Removal and Alert Information
Required snow and ice removal
It shall be the duty of the owner or occupant of any lot or parcel of land in the City abutting on any sidewalk to keep such sidewalk free from snow and ice accumulation. Within forty-eight (48) hours after the termination of any snowfall, the snow accumulation shall be removed. Where, however, it impossible to keep the sidewalk clear due to frozen conditions, then said owner or occupant shall sprinkle or spread some suitable material on the sidewalk to prevent it from becoming dangerous to travel.
Disposal of Snow
......snow when removed shall not be deposited upon any sidewalk, within or upon any public street or alley, or in any manner that will obstruct or interfere with the passage or vision of vehicle or pedestrian traffic.
Visit - Ordinance 10-2 for all snow and ice removal details.
Communication of Snow Alerts
Snow alerts will be announced by the following sources: city website, text message, KELO-TV, KSFY-TV, KDLT-TV, KTTW-TV, KELO-AM/FM, KXRB, KRRO, KTWB, KWSN, KXQL,Q957, KSOO. Once a snow alert is issued OR we receive 3" or more of snow it is illegal to park on the street until the street is plowed. Please remember that every snow is different.
To sign up to receive a text message: visit https://cityofbrandon.org/notifications
Don't Crowd the Plow!
Lawn Watering Program Stage 1 - Green is Currently in Effect
Currently on Stage 1: Green
Brandon Lawn Watering Program: We are currently in Stage 1-Green. Users with even-numbered addresses shall water lawns on even-numbered calendar dates and users with odd-numbered addresses on odd-numbered calendar dates.
When we turn to Stage 2-Yellow is explained in Resolution #11-23.
NEW Texting/Email Program