Booster Station Along Redwood Blvd
Inside of the New Tower
Groundbreaking Ceremony
Groundbreaking Ceremony

Water Tower



Press Release 5/13/2022


The 1.25-million-gallon composite Redwood Water Tower was damaged during the severe thunderstorm that moved across Brandon on May 12th, 2022. This composite water tower is currently under construction and is not utilized by the City’s water system. Residences will not have any water disruptions due to the damage at this water tower.
The site was reviewed and determined that there are no public safety concerns.  
See below for a statement from the City’s structural engineers for this project.


CB&I Media Holding Statement
On May 12, 2022, a dust storm with winds up to 80 miles per hour moved across the state of South Dakota. The strong winds caused damage to a composite elevated tank located in Brandon, SD, designed and under construction by CB&I. Our operations and engineering teams are working with city officials to assess the extent of the damage and develop plans to implement repairs.
(end of press release)




Project Schedule

Design was completed by Stockwell Engineers in September, 2020.

Project Bid on November 20th 2020.

  • AB Contracting is the general contractor.
  • Original Contract Amount: $5,476,468.70

Construction started December 7th, 2020.

Groundbreaking ceremony was held on June 4th, 2021.

Construction should be completed at the end of 2022.

Water tower will be operational in 2023. 


Project Description

This water tower project includes the construction of a 1.25 million gallon water tower, an Altitude Valve Building (AVB), and upgrades to a Booster Station. 


Water Tower

This 1.25 million gallon water tower will be located on the east side of town, just north of the intersection of Redwood Blvd and Chestnut Blvd. Water towers are built for two main reasons; maintain water pressure and water storage capacity. 


Altitude Valve Building (AVB)

This building is constructed at the north edge of the City's golf course parking lot. A valve has been constructed within this building to regulate the water pressure and the flow of the existing water system. All homes east of this building will need a pressure reducing valve installed into their home near their water meter. 


Booster Station Upgrades

The City currently has a water booster station along Redwood Blvd. This existing booster station feeds water to the east side of town. This booster station will be upgraded with new pumps in order to feed water to the new water tower. 


Project Funding

This project is paid for by the water fees charged within the monthly water rates. 


City Engineer
Tami Jansma, EI
City Hall: (605) 582-6515 ext 4
Cell: (605) 679-0129