Asphalt Overlay Location Exhibit

Core Area Asphalt Overlay Project

Construction Completed!
Monday, May 2nd
The Contractor will be working on milling at intersections, patching around manholes and water valves.
Tuesday, May 3rd
Overlay 7th Avenue and a portion of Cedar Street
Wednesday, May 4th
Overlay the remainder of Cedar Street, 6th Avenue, and Conifer Street
Thursday, May 5th
2 blocks of Conifer between 4th Avenue and 6th Avenue
1 block of Elm Street between 4th Avenue and 5th Avenue
2 blocks of Cedar Street between 4th Avenue and 6th Avenue
Portion of 5th Avenue
Friday, May 6th
Finish 5th Avenue
Fleetwood Circle


Project Description:

The City of Brandon is committed to the improvements in the Core Area of town. The City has been working towards replacing the water, sanitary sewer, streets as well as adding sidewalks and storm drainage into the Core Area.


The City realizes that the streets are in rough shape and in need of improvements before the full reconstruction project can take place in your area. The City has contracted with SealPros out of Sioux Falls to add a 1.5” overlay in your area.


This overlay is a temporary fix, not a permanent fix. Please note that the existing asphalt will only be milled down near intersections. This means that asphalt will be overlayed on the exiting gutter line which will make the curb seem short.  Asphalt will also be tapered into driveway approaches which may cause a slight bump.


This overlay project is anticipated to start Monday, May 2nd depending on weather conditions. Door hangers will be placed on front doors in advance of the work taking place. Please note that this schedule changes quickly and door hanger will be placed the night before. Check this website often for construction updates! Please have vehicles off the street and out of driveways by 8am the day they begin work. 


Project Funding:

The City will be funding this project utilizing the Street Maintenance Funds. 


Your city property taxes will not increase due to this project. There are no special assessments for this work. 



Adam Praska, Engineer Tech.

City Hall: (605) 582-6515

Cell: (605) 838-5445


Tami Jansma, City Engineer

City Hall: (605) 582-6515

Cell: (605) 679-0129