New Resident Information


New residents may not be aware of some of the City of Brandon’s ordinances.  Since every community has different laws, the information below is being provided to inform new residents of some of our more notable city ordinances. If you are not a new resident, this information may serve as a reminder. 

For a complete listing of ordinances visit

Again, welcome to our community!



Licenses:  All dogs and cats over 6 months of age and kept within the City of Brandon shall be licensed and registered.  Pets may be registered at City Hall, 304 S Main, Brandon, SD or at the following Pet Service Providers – Horizon Pet Care, Sioux Nation Pet Clinic and Brandon Valley Veterinary Clinic.  Fee to license your animal is $5 for one year or $15 for three years.  

Rabies:  Every owner shall have their animals vaccinated against rabies. 

Running at Large:  It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation, to allow any animal, owned, controlled or harbored by any person to run at large on the streets, alleys, or property of any other person within the city limits of Brandon, SD. 

Click on Chapter 3-2 - Animals of the ordinance book for more details. 



Please contact the City of Brandon’s Building Department at 605-582-8987 before building or remodeling to find out if a building permit is required.



Fireworks are hereby regulated for the preservation of the public peace, mental health, and safety of the community. Unless authorized by a Permit issued by the City, public discharge of fireworks within the City:

A. Is permitted within the city limits of Brandon on July 3rd and July 4th from 10am - 11pm. Permitted fireworks are specific class 1.4G fireworks which include any and all fireworks that are purchased from a licensed South Dakota Fireworks retail store.

B. May not occur on any public sidewalk, street, alleyway, or property.

C. May not occur on any private property without the expressed knowledge and permission of the property owner. D. May not occur whenever the Mayor, Police Chief, or City Administrator issues a complete ban on any use due to dry climatic conditions or other such emergencies.

Click on Chapter 7-1 - Fireworks of the ordinance book for more details. 



No minor under eighteen (18) years of age shall remain in or upon the public streets, public places, vacant lots or other unsupervised public places within the City of Brandon between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m. of the following day.  EXCEPTION:  Curfews shall not apply to a minor accompanied by his or her parent or guardian or where the minor is on any emergency or legitimate business directed or authorized by his or her parent or guardian, or one-half (1/2 hours) after the formal dismissal time of a church, school or other adult sponsored organization. 

Click on Chapter 7-6 - Minors of the ordinance book for more details. 


PARKING PROHIBITED (Ordinance 12-14-2)

Parking is prohibited in the following areas:

  1. In front of a public or private driveway belonging to another;
  2. Within fifteen (15) feet of a fire hydrant or a USPS mailbox;
  3. Within twenty (20) feet of a crosswalk at an intersection or a driveway entrance to any fire station;
  4. Within thirty (30) feet of any intersection controlled by signs or signals or any safety zones;
  5. On any sidewalk;
  6. On or within a crosswalk;
  7. Adjacent to any street excavation or obstruction which would obstruct traffic;
  8. Upon a bridge or elevated structure;
  9. At any place where official signs prohibit standing.



Parking of any recreational or utility trailer on the city streets, when not mounted on or to a motor vehicle at all times, is prohibited. No recreational or utility trailer may be parked on the city streets for a period exceeding seventy-two (72) hours.



No person shall allow continuous parking of any vehicle on any city street for a period longer than seventy-two (72) hours or as designated by appropriate signs located and controlling space where the vehicle is parked. Continuous parking shall be defined as leaving a vehicle in the same parking space or moving it less than twenty (20) feet away there from.


Click on Chapter 12-14 Standing and Parking of the ordinance book for more details.   



Property owners are required to remove snow and ice from sidewalks within 48 hours after a snowfall. If it’s not possible to keep the sidewalk clear due to frozen conditions, then the property owner can sprinkle material on the sidewalk to prevent it from becoming dangerous to travel. For more information, click on Chapter 10-2 Snow and Ice Removal of the ordinance book.

Click on Chapter 10-2 Snow and Ice Removal of the ordinance book for more details.



Operation of snowmobiles are permitted on city streets under certain conditions.  Here are some conditions but click on Ordinance Chapter 12-16 Snowmobiles of the ordinance book for more details.

  1. Permitted after accumulation of three (3) or more inches of snow.
  2. Maximim speed of twenty (20) miles per hour.
  3. Must wear a helmet if under eighteen (18) years of age.
  4. Must be licensed with the State.



The maximum speed limit in the City is 25 MPH unless otherwise posted.  The speed limit in school zones in 15 MPH.

 Click on Chapter 12-8 Speed of the ordinance book for more details.



Bicycles shall be registered and licensed at the Police Department.  There is no cost for this.  Police Department is located at 302 S Main Ave.

Click on Chapter 6-6 Bicycles of the ordinance book for more details.