Street Department
When it Snows, We Are Ready!
When the snow begins to fall, the City of Brandon Department of Public Works snow fighting team is ready to spring into action with a carefully orchestrated snow removal plan designed to get the streets cleared and you on your way as quickly as possible.
The City is divided into six snow plowing routes with trucks, motor graders and loaders assigned to routes. Each driver has a specific route to plow and does not salt on the way through his assigned route. Salting along the way actually causes delays and interferes with the overall snow plowing plan. Keeping each driver to his assigned route is the best and most efficient way to get all of the cities streets plowed in the shortest amount of time.
There are approximately 80 lane miles of roadway in Brandon, so please be patient. Our crews are dedicated and well trained and will have the streets plowed as quickly as possible. Major streets are plowed first, secondary and residential streets next.
We DO NOT plow the State or County Roads:
With the exception of SD Highway 11, Splitrock Boulevard, from I 90 to Aspen Blvd. All others are plowed to city limits.
De-Icing Treatment:
For your safety and convenience, these major arterial streets and collector streets are treated first:
- Splitrock Boulevard
- Holly Boulevard
- Sioux Boulevard
- Redwood Boulevard
- Aspen Boulevard
Intersections where there are traffic signals, stop signs, and hills, are treated next.
Curbside Mailboxes:
Curbside mailboxes present special problems. Snowplow drivers make every effort to plow as close to the mailboxes as possible. But during heavy snowfalls, especially on cul-de-sacs, it is very difficult to completely clear the snow without risking damage to the mailbox post itself. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the resident to remove snow from around the mailbox to assure uninterrupted delivery of mail.
If you believe your curbside mailbox was damaged by a City snowplow, call City Hall at 605-582-6515 ext 3. If the damage was from equipment directly hitting the mailbox, necessary repairs or replacement will be made without charge. For snow damage you will be reimbursed a maximum of $70.00 towards your repair cost. Keep your receipt and turn into City Hall for reimbursement. Remember: Mailboxes must be installed and constructed in accordance with post office regulations.
No Parking Please:Help us help you by keeping parked cars off the street when snow removal operations are in progress. City ordinance prohibits parking on streets when 3 inches of snow has fallen on city streets. Illegally parked cars which are interfering with snow plowing operations will be ticketed and towed at the owner's expense. Cars are towed only when absolutely necessary and then every effort is made to tow the vehicle to a nearby location. If you find that you car has been towed, call the Police Department at 605-582-6125 for information on its location.
Shoveling Your Sidewalk:
Shoveling your sidewalk will make foot travel safer for your neighbors, delivery people, and school children. When shoveling snow, remember to pile the snow in an area where the plow will not push the snow back into the driveway as it goes by. Please refrain from throwing snow back into an already-plowed street since doing so can cause hazardous ice slicks. City ordinance prohibits plowing, blowing or shoveling snow into any public street or on a property that is now yours. We realize it is sometimes difficult to find a place to deposit snow, but putting it in a public street could cost you a citation and a fine. Merchants are not permitted to dump, plow or blow snow from parking lots onto public streets.
Boulevard Restoration:
Snow plows can take their toll on the boulevard area. If city equipment has damaged the boulevard area in front of your home, call us to request that your name be added to our restoration list for repair in the early spring.
Stay Tuned:
During the winter weather months, be alert for radio and television announcements of impending heavy snowstorms. During extreme or severe weather conditions the City may also post pertinent information on the local television stations. When emergency weather conditions are predicted, protect yourself and your family by taking these steps:
Keep an AM/FM battery-operated radio nearby. Be sure the batteries are fresh, and stock an extra supply of canned goods, powdered milk, tea, coffee, or hot cocoa mix.
Keep emergency phone numbers near the telephone. Have an ample supply of any necessary medication.
Use special care to eliminate potential fire hazards. Guard against overheated wood or oil-burning stoves, fireplaces, heaters, or furnaces. Stay indoors if at all possible; avoid overexertion if you must go out. Several layers of loose-fitting, lightweight warm clothing are best. Being able to add or subtract layers will reduce the risk of perspiring and then chilling.
If There Is An Emergency:
Fire and Police emergency personnel will respond to your call regardless of the weather, but response time may be slower during a heavy snowstorm. When calling 911 to request emergency assistance, be sure to give any information you might have regarding nearby streets which are either in good travel condition or very poor travel condition.